Some Linux experiments with the ACR38 smartcards reader

Trying to read smartcards using only libusb. For fun and learning.

Nom :

05 mars 2007

Time to dialog with the smartcard...

It is now time to exchange APDU with the smartcard. By example, a file_select...

int MCU_root_select(struct usb_dev_handle *udp)
const u_char MCU_FILE_SELECT[] = {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0xA4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
u_char buf_in[128];
u_char cmd[9];

if (ACR_xchange(udp, MCU_FILE_SELECT, 9, buf_in, sizeof(buf_in)) < 0)
printf("MCU_root_select status : 0x%02X\n", buf_in[1]);
xdump("MCU_root_select:", buf_in, 32);

This does not work with the FNAC card :

SND -> 01 a0 00 05 00 a4 00 00 00 (?select master file)
RCV <- 01 00 00 02 6a 87

And, according to the ISO7816-4 standard, the code <6A><87> is an error code for 'Lc inconsistent with P1-P2'. There is something wrong with our APDU. ...But, the smartcard responds!, we are a step further. :-)

If I try a 'read_binary' (command ),

SND -> 01 a0 00 05 00 b0 00 00 00
RCV <- 01 00 00 02 6d 00
I get a <6D><00> error, which is ?? unexpected.

Time to read some doc again.

However, let's try to select all files (by number?) from 0000 to FFFF. Allmost all attempts (on the FNAC card) return 6A:82 (ISO: File not found) except a few which return 61:0C (? more data available (0xC bytes) with a get_response?) ...

sending '01 a0 00 08 00 A4 00 00 02 xx yy 10' (select file 'xxyy')

00 01| : : 01 00 00 02 6a 82
(a couple of 6a:82)
00 13| : : 01 00 00 02 61 0c
00 14| : : 01 00 00 02 61 0c
00 15| : : 01 00 00 02 61 0c
(a couple of 6a:82)
00 1a| : : 01 00 00 02 61 0c
(a lot of 6a:82)
3f 00| : : 01 00 00 02 61 0c
(a lot of 6a:82)
ff ff| : : 01 00 00 02 6a 82

If I do a get_response (with the right length (0x0c)), I get :

snd-> 01 a0 00 05 00 C0 00 00 0c (get_response() with length=0x0c)

MCU_get_response: : 01 00 00 0e 6f 0a c5 08 00 13 04 00 01 0f ff ff 90 00 (file 0013)
MCU_get_response: : 01 00 00 0e 6f 0a c5 08 00 14 04 00 02 ff f4 ff 90 00 (file 0014)
MCU_get_response: : 01 00 00 0e 6f 0a c5 08 00 15 04 00 02 ff f4 ff 90 00 (file 0015)
MCU_get_response: : 01 00 00 0e 6f 0a c5 08 00 1a 04 00 03 08 f4 ff 90 00 (file 001a)

(I hope there is nothing I should keep secret here...) After a get_response (90:00 seems good news), a read_binary returns 6D:00 (?)